Policy privacy – Plonowa

Policy privacy

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Constantly striving to ensure the best protection of personal data, we would like to assure you that we protect your personal data at the highest level, and in this document you will find all information about what personal data we process and for what purpose.

1. Data administrator

The administrator of your Personal Data is LOKUM HOME spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa with its registered office in Nowa Wola (05-500), ul. Plonowa 7, entered into the register of entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division, under the KRS number: 0000798165, NIP: 8151806691, REGON: 384058223, hereinafter also referred to as the “Company”.

2. How to contact the Company

If you have any questions or comments regarding data processing, please contact:

@ e-mail address: info@lokumwarszawa.pl

by correspondence: ul. Plonowa 7, 05-500 Nowa Wola

A request to correct or delete personal data should be reported to us at: info@lokumwarszawa.pl.

3. What data do we collect and for what purpose?

The scope and purpose of data collection by us depends, among others, on: on the scope of your activity on the lokumwarszawa.pl website (“Website”).

Data of potential employees, associates and job candidates

If you want to start working with us, we need the data necessary to assess your qualifications and contact, including your name, contact details, employment history, education and skills.

Personal data of potential employees and associates are processed:

  • in order to take actions leading to the conclusion of an employment contract, a civil law contract (including a B2B contract) – the legal basis for processing is taking action at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract to which that person will be a party;
  • in order to use your data for future recruitment – the legal basis for processing is consent;
  • in order to pursue and defend against potential claims – the legal basis for processing is the Administrator’s legitimate interest in pursuing and defending against potential claims.

Personal data of the Administrator’s potential customers and subcontractors

We process the data of potential customers and subcontractors as part of informing about our activities (investments), including name and surname, position and contact details in order to:

  • in order to take actions leading to the conclusion of a contract – the legal basis for processing is taking action at the request of the data subject before concluding a contract to which that person will be a party;
  • propose our services, which is our legitimate interest;
  • in order to possibly determine, investigate or defend against claims – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the protection of our rights;
  • for archival purposes – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in archiving submitted offers for statistical and analytical purposes;

Personal data of persons who are the Administrator’s clients

If you are the Administrator’s clients, i.e. persons or entities purchasing real estate from the Administrator, we process your data in order to:

  • performance of the contract (including consideration of possible complaints) – the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing to perform the contract;
  • implementation of statutory obligations incumbent on the Administrator, resulting in particular from tax and accounting regulations, consisting of, among others, on the need to issue an invoice or other accounting document and its archiving – the legal basis for processing is a legal obligation;
  • possible determination, investigation or defense against claims – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the protection of our rights;
  • advertising and promotion of the Administrator’s activities – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest in promoting our services;

Personal data of the Administrator’s subcontractors

If you are the Administrator’s subcontractors, i.e. entities such as construction companies, agencies selling investments, architects, we process your data in order to:

  • performance of the contract (including consideration of possible complaints) – the legal basis for processing is the necessity of processing to perform the contract;
  • fulfillment of statutory obligations incumbent on the Administrator, resulting in particular from tax and accounting regulations, consisting of, among others, on the need to issue an invoice or other accounting document and its archiving – the legal basis for processing is a legal obligation;
  • possible determination, investigation or defense against claims – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the protection of our rights;
  • advertising and promotion of the Administrator’s activities – the legal basis for processing is the law a legitimate interest in promoting our services;

Personal data of persons authorized to represent clients/subcontractors

If you are persons authorized to represent clients/subcontractors authorized to correctly conclude a contract on their behalf (e.g. partners, board members, proxies, proxies), we process your data in order to:

  • identify by us persons authorized to represent the client/subcontractor in order to draw up and correctly conclude the contract – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest in drawing up and correctly concluding the contract;
  • possible determination, investigation or defense against claims – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the protection of our rights

Personal data of persons designated to contact clients/subcontractors

If you are the contact person as part of the performance of the contract on behalf of the client/subcontractor, we process your data in order to:

  • maintaining contact during the performance of the contract – the legal basis is our legitimate interest in the performance of concluded contracts;
  • possible determination, investigation or defense against claims – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the protection of our rights;

User data, which are collected automatically after entering the Website

In order to enable the provision of the service and to protect copyrights, as well as for statistical and billing purposes, the Website processes data characterizing the way Users use the Website’s services. For this purpose, the server:

  • monitors the IP address from which the User connects,
  • collects statistical information about the pages viewed.

The website does not store any information about the hardware configuration of the computer or programs installed on the User’s computer.

The IT system used by the Website automatically collects in logs data related to the device used by the User when connecting to the Website. These data are collected only for statistical purposes and concern: type of device, operating system, type of web browser, screen resolution, color depth, IP, Internet service provider, or the address of entering the Website and are used only in the process of optimizing the Website in order to ensure the greatest convenience of use, which is a legitimate interest.

The data may also be processed for the purpose of possible determination, investigation or defense against claims – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the protection of our rights.

These data are never combined with other data and are only material for statistical analysis and mechanisms for correcting system errors.

Contact form

If the Website User contacts us via the contact form, he/she is asked to provide identification data necessary to make contact, answer a question or prepare an offer, such as name, surname and e-mail address. The user may be asked to provide additional data only when it is necessary to handle the matter to which the contact relates or to facilitate contact.

If you use the contact form, your personal data is processed by us in order to:

  • answering the question asked – the basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the need to solve the reported case;
  • possible determination, investigation or defense against claims – the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest consisting in the protection of our rights;
  • direct marketing of the Administrator’s services, including for analytical and statistical purposes – the legal basis for processing is the consent;

4. How long does the Company process personal data?

The period of data processing depends on the legal basis and purpose of processing. As a rule, data is processed:

  • for the time necessary to perform the contract;
  • until an objection is raised;
  • until consent is withdrawn;

The period of data processing may be extended if the processing is necessary to establish, pursue or defend against any claims, and after this period, only if and to the extent required by law.

5. What rights do customers have in relation to their personal data?

We guarantee the implementation of all rights of persons whose data we process, including the right to:

access to data, including obtaining a copy; rectification of data;

deletion of data; processing restrictions

data portability; raise an objection;

withdrawal of consent at any time (which does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that was carried out before the consent was withdrawn); lodging a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office;


6. Who are personal data shared with?

Personal data on the basis of relevant agreements are transferred to entities processing data on behalf of the Company, including, among others, providers of IT or accounting services. Such entities process data only in accordance with our instructions, maintaining its confidentiality and security. We have the right to control how the data entrusted to us is processed.

Our clients’ data may be made available to notaries public performing notarial actions related to real estate purchase agreements.

In other cases, personal data may be disclosed to entities authorized only on the basis of legal provisions.

7. Data transfer outside the EEA

We do not transfer Users’ personal data outside the EEA, with the reservation of data from social media plug-ins, in accordance with the information contained in point 8. Social media and tools of our partners, in accordance with the information contained in point 9. Tools of our partners.

8. Social media

The Website uses plugins and other social tools provided by social networking sites, such as Facebook and Instagram.

In connection with the use of the Website that contains such a plug-in, your browser establishes a direct connection with the servers of social network administrators (service providers). The content of the plug-in is provided by the given service provider directly to your browser and integrated with the website. Thanks to this integration, service providers receive information that your browser has displayed the Website, even if you do not have a profile with a given service provider or are not currently logged in to it. Such information (including the IP address) is sent by your browser directly to the server of a given service provider (some servers are located in the USA) and stored there.

If you have logged in to one of the social networking sites, the service provider will be able to directly assign a visit to the Website to your profile on a given social networking site. If you use a given plugin, e.g. the “Like” button, the relevant information will also be sent directly to the server of the given service provider and stored there. In addition, this information will be published on a given social network and will be shown to people added as your contacts.

The purpose and scope of data collection and their further processing and use by service providers, as well as the possibility of contact and your rights in this regard and the possibility of making settings to protect your privacy are described in the privacy policy of individual service providers.

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation

Instagram – https://help.instagram.com/519522125107875/?maybe_redirect_pol=0

If you do not want social networking sites to assign the data collected during visits to the Website directly to your profile on a given website, it is necessary to log out of this website before visiting the Website. It is also possible to completely prevent the loading of plug-ins on the website by using appropriate extensions for your browser, e.g. blocking scripts.

9. Tools of our partners

In order to provide our services and improve and analyze them, we also use the services and tools of other entities. These entities only pursue the purposes set by us. Below we present information about our partners and the tools they use.

Google Analytics

On the Website, we use the Google Analytics analysis tool provided by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”) based in Ireland. As part of this function, we use cookies to collect and analyze information regarding, among others, the number of pages visited, the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns or the time spent on the Website. We use this information only to improve the quality of the Service.

Facebook Pixel

The administrator uses marketing tools, such as Facebook Pixel, to direct personalized Facebook ads to you. This involves the use of Facebook cookies. by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025 , USA, or, if you are located in the EU, Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbor, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”).

We carry out activities in this area based on our legitimate interest in the form of marketing our own products or services. Information on the use of information by Facebook is available in Facebook’s privacy policy:


10. Cookies policy

As part of the User’s use of the Website, the Website uses the so-called cookies. These are small text files placed on your devices (e.g. computers) via web browsers. These files allow you to store specific information on the device, and then read it by the website that created these files. Cookies usually contain, in addition to the domain name of the website they come from, the time of their storage on the end device and a unique number.

We use cookies for:

  • adjusting the content of the websites of the website to the individual preferences of the User and optimizing the use of websites by him (cookies allow in particular to recognize your device and properly display the website so that it is best suited to individual needs);
  • maintaining the session within the website after logging in;
  • creating statistics (so that we can better understand how the Users of our website use websites, and consequently we can improve the structure and content of these websites);
  • provide you with advertising content corresponding to their individual preferences.

The website does not store any information about the hardware configuration of the computer or the programs installed on the computer.

Changing cookie settings

Usually, the web browser allows cookies to be stored on the end device by default. However, at any time, you have the ability and the right to change the settings for cookies. To change cookie settings after you should read the detailed information about the possibilities and ways of handling cookies, which are available in the settings of your web browser.

If you do not agree to the placement of cookies on your device, you can block their placement by properly configuring your web browser. Information on how to do this can be found in the help files of your web browser. If cookies from the Website are blocked, the Administrator cannot guarantee its correct operation. If you do not change the cookie settings, these files will be placed on the end device. This means that the Administrator will store information in the end device and access this information.

11. Changes to the privacy policy

The policy is reviewed on an ongoing basis and updated if necessary. The current version of the policy has been adopted and has been in force since November 17, 2022.